LARC’s Residential Services has been in operation for over 25 years. We own and operate four community homes serving both men and women.
Three of our homes are in residential neighborhoods while the fourth enjoys the peace and beauty of LARC grounds. These homes exist to provide an opportunity for the adults we serve to live as independently as possible with the assistance and supervision they need while remaining in their community.
Residents are actively involved in the upkeep of their own homes, personal care, shopping, budgeting, developing leisure pastimes and taking part in community activities they enjoy.
Each person we serve can choose their own belongings, entertain friends and family, and enjoy the companionship of their housemates. They are provided ample time for private pursuits.
Our homes are staffed around the clock by professional direct care personnel and offer regular nursing services.
Most of the residents are wage earners employed either in the community or on the LARC campus. Others receive opportunities to develop social connections and enrich their repertoire of experience through activities geared to their specific needs and interest.
To receive these services, the individual must be certified through the Acadiana Area Human Services District (formerly OCDD). They can be contacted at 337-262-5610.
Should you have any questions about LARC’s Residential Services, please call 337-988-0640 or email at

Residential Application
Most of LARC’s homes operate with few vacancies. However, a waiting list is available if there are no vacancies at the time of your application submission. To download a printable application, please click here. Please print it, complete it and return it to our Residential office.
You must have Adobe Reader to download the printable application.
We look forward to the opportunity of serving your needs.